Archive by Author


Coiling gradually

29th August 2016

This piece is coming on nicely, I love its shape so far. this image shows me joining the top coil to the body. The texture is made when I pull the top clay down joining it onto the base.


A lovely little break

25th August 2016

Took the children and the caravan to a beautiful campsite in Wales for a few nights where we caught up with family and friends and had a lovely break.Good food, good company and lots of fun. The Clay has re-absorbed the water and I am Feeling ready to start again. Our lovely little van.


I never said it was Easy!

17th August 2016

I could have tried to mend it, but the likelihood of it re-cracking in the kiln is very high as its integrity is now severely compromised and I still have weeks of work left to complete it. I would prefer to make one that I know is strong (and perfect). It cracked where I brought […]


Looking Lovely

15th August 2016

I have started to manipulate the form by patting the surface with a wooden bat that I made in 1996 at university. I might have made it a little more carefully if I had known that I was going to be using it for the next 20 years!


A lovely tranquil day today.

14th August 2016

Using a steel kidney (placed on top) I scrape the raised clay into the undulations, compressing the surface as I smooth it.I’m generally on my knees doing this, feeling my way round the curves and creating a perfect smooth surface. The clay is lovely at this stage, It shines as I compress the surface.


Lots to do

13th August 2016

Today I started work early so that I could get a lot done before the garden is filled with visitors. It is lovely being in the workshop this early, the birds are singing and the light is lovely. Now that the piece is built, i have a lot to do to create the surface and […]